Assistance With Travel Transport
The Most Trustworthy Assistance with Travel & Transport in VIctoria
Fret not if your physical impairments are holding you back from traveling and living a life of your choice. If you are in VIctoria, we at Aunty’s House Home Care will come up with all the care, support and assistance you might need to overcome your difficulties and lead a life of self esteem and autonomy. Having started our service 3 years back, we are home to some of the finest and most qualified group of independent support workers with child care background, who would put themselves in your shoes, realise your traveling needs and compulsions. They will consider your lifestyle and your preferences, your needs and your choices to come up with custom support packages, which will help you lead the life of your choice!

Our support workers in Victoria are compassionate and dedicated, and they consider their profession as their social and moral responsibility. It is this humane and rather sublime touch of affection of our service that will make you jovial and assist you to achieve all the goals of your life with flying colours!

Our Travel & Transport Assistance has been all Encompassing
Ever since we started our endeavour, we have been driven by the motto of assisting every individual meet the objectives of their lives and help them achieve what they deserve. As such, at Aunty’s House Home Care, the assistance with travel and transport assistance we offer include:

  • Your visits to school, college and other educational facilities
  • Visits to office or other place of occupation
  • Visits to doctor’s chambers and clinics
  • Visits to shops and markets for getting daily commodities
  • Visits to films, theatres, music fests, sporting activities, libraries
  • Visits to friends and family, and in respective communities

Our highly trained and qualified support workers will accompany you to your destinations and will get you safely back home. The caregiver will also assist you to use aids and tools that you might need to avail the modes of transportation. We ensure that your travels are safe, comfortable and as much autonomous as they can be.

Book our Service and see how our support workers can make the difference
Call us today, to book our assistance with travel and transportation. Schedule a meeting with our experts to know further details. Or you can fill out the form on our website and send it to us. We will respond immediately.
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